Most of the time when we think of Seasons, we think of the changes in nature. Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. What many of us do not realize is that as nature provides us with the many vistas of seasonal changes to our natural environment, so does it influence our behaviors. Seasonal changes elicit different responses from us as we go through life. For example, during winter all I want to do is sleep or stay inside. Even festivities such as Christmas and Thanksgiving do not alleviate my feelings of tiredness. I can’t way for spring, to see flowers bloom, to feel sunshine and the knowing that new life is happening all around me. I have to remind myself from Winter to Spring that there is something wondrous happening every day. When I feel that tiredness coming down on me, I repeat these verses “This is the day that the LORD has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it”
Seasons can also indicate a time of blossoming or expanding in your endeavors as well as a time of letting go or losing. No matter what the season is to you, gain, loss, beauty, hardship; know that whatever color it is, it was painted by you. What color is your season?